Credits: Episode 5
"Beating Your Art to the Grave"
with Paleo Artist Gary Staab
Music Credits In Order:
Theme Music: “I’m a Paleo Nerd” performed by the Ratfish Wranglers, from the Cruisin’ the Fossil Freeway album, written by Ray Troll and Russell Wodehouse, vocals by Stephen Jackson and Shauna Lee.
"The Wait" written and performed by Whiskey Class (Liz Snyder and Patrick Troll) from the album 48 Hours
"Cosmic Connection" written and performed by the Ratfish Wranglers featuring Patrick Troll
"Flicker (Alter-Native Edit)" written and performed by Liz Snyder and Patrick Troll from the Whiskey Class album 48 Hours
"Kevin's Lament" Strassman Show Music composed by Perrin Manzer Allen