Episode #62 The T-Rexpert Expert of the Tyrant King Dinosaur with Tom Holtz
Ray and Dave chomp down on all things T-Rex, the King of dinosaurs with the king of paleontologists who studies them, the prolific and extremely interesting Thomas R. Holtz Jr.!

Ep 62 Paleo Nerds with Tom Holtz
Dinosaur Rock Star Thomas Holtz
Thomas Holtz’s massive YouTube channel
The prestigious office where Thomas Holtz works!
Silly theory of Kraken arranging bones of ichthyosaurs
Ichthyosaurs in Nevada!!
John Ostrom
Paleontologist Ned Colbert
The early and late Cretaceous Cloverly formation
Deinonychus, the original Velociraptor
Archaeopteryx: The oldest known bird/dinosaur
What are Dromaeosaurids?
Troodon and Troodontids
Bakker’s book, The Dinosaur Heresies. (A must read!)
The paleontologist who discovered T-Rex Famous Paleontologist Barnum Brown
Watch the first T-Rex I the 1918 movie, “The Ghost of Slumber Mountain”
First dinosaur in Animation, “Gertie the Dinosaur”
Jack Horner the the Obligate Scavenger
Tom invented the word, “arctometatarsus” for the weight bearing bone in a T-Rex foot
Why the tiny arms? One theory explains it
Jane, the perfect T-Rex specimen
The first animals; Dickinsonia in the South Australia Museum
Good to Feel by Patrtick Troll
Karpinsky's Lament by Russell Wodehouse
Mellow by Ray Troll
Controls by Patrick Troll